Man met donker haar fietsend op donkergrijze Levante E4 e-bike voor stenen muur

Our vision is to achieve better well-being and experience for cyclists by developing premium e-bikes.

Every day starts better on the bike

Get on and clear your head. Cycling is everything, it is relaxing and moving at the same time. It is a sport and sometimes a calling.

For Levante, cycling is above all a feeling. The feeling of starting your day fit. Of being one with your surroundings. Of not wanting to give up and being able to take on the world. When you cycle, you have the wind at your back for the rest of the day.

Ernie Kusters, founder Levante Bikes

"For me, cycling is mainly a feeling, a feeling of growth"

Man op Levante E4 e-bike op brug

Go beyond your destination

Cycling solves everything, we firmly believe in that. It takes you further than just your destination. The more you cycle, the more it does for you. The physical exertion of cycling and the change of scenery help you to relax mentally and reduce stress.

Man op Levante E4 e-bike

Designed in the Netherlands, made in Europe

Together with a leading Swiss designer we have developed our idea into a final design. We produce our bikes in a European factory with Japanese top technology from Shimano.

Detailfoto Levante_E4 e-bike fietsstuur met Shimano remmen en Shimano display en fietsbel

Designed for pure driving pleasure

The value we offer to customers is a bicycle that gives a very natural cycling experience, with proven Shimano technology and a unique sporty design.

We make Levante e-bikes to really cycle on in all weathers. The sporty frame is perfectly balanced and the powerful drive is whisper-quiet, which easily pedals through the 25km/h support, without the engine blocking.

Go beyond your destination

Cycling solves everything, we firmly believe in that. It takes you further than just your destination. The more you cycle, the more it does for you. The physical exertion of cycling and the change of scenery help you to relax mentally and reduce stress.

Designed in the Netherlands, made in Europe

Together with a leading Swiss designer we have developed our idea into a final design. We produce our bikes in a European factory with Japanese top technology from Shimano.

Designed for pure driving pleasure

The value we offer to customers is a bicycle that gives a very natural cycling experience, with proven Shimano technology and a unique sporty design.

We make Levante e-bikes to really cycle on in all weathers. The sporty frame is perfectly balanced and the powerful drive is whisper-quiet, which easily pedals through the 25km/h support, without the engine blocking.

Man op Levante E4 e-bike op brugMan op Levante E4 e-bike Detailfoto Levante_E4 e-bike fietsstuur met Shimano remmen en Shimano display en fietsbel

Experience it yourself

Try our e-bike at your doorstep

Take a test drive